Saturday, March 18, 2006

*Drags head into*

Okay okay I'll start my blog already! Aih... been getting bugged.. err i mean motivated by a certain Chicken to start posting my life online for everyone in the globe to read. Well.. this is also a challenge to prove to TC that I am capable of keeping my blog for a longer time than he can! (which is only 3 measly days anyway..)
So..... err.. what am I supposed to do with a blog? *scratches head* Let's see what i have in my donkey hat.. *pulls out wabbit* whoops...
LEMON CHEESECAKE KIT KAT!!! *slurp* Whoever says this doesn't taste good deserves a good knocking on the head. *watches TC run away in fear* I say Kit Kat should make it a permanent product on the supermarket shelves for the goodness of all mankind. Aye? If any of you haven't tried it... GO FAST FAST!! Limited Edition la.. only available until April.. Unfortunately, the kind people at Kit Kat like to play treasure hunting, so you have to go dig around petrol stations and those smaller marts to find it.. EH stop pushing, don't fight with me.. :/
I wonder if the Dark Chocolate and Orange flavoured ones are still available?


At March 19, 2006 9:39 AM, Blogger Jasemaine said...

WoohoooO! Finally!

HEhehehhehh it's good to document your life.. so it when you're young.. do it when you're life is still colored and not black and white. EHHEHE.

Anyways, happy blogging ducko wacko~

At March 19, 2006 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*stops running away in fear*

Wait a minute, I think the Lemon Cheese Kit Kat is good too, just that somebody assumed otherwise :P

*runs back and smacks wawa with a large Lemon Cheese Kit Kat*

At March 19, 2006 2:02 PM, Blogger lazydaze said...

chic : eh? colour screen tv ar? err.. do it when i'm Young.. means it's too late =(

tc : wah the word 'assumed' is bolded some more.. oooo large lemon cheese kit kat!! *opens big mouth* aim here plz...

At March 19, 2006 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey hey.. so u started a blog... wonder if i'll ever start one... neway congrats on being a blogger.. and why on earth did u not tell me there was such a thing as lemon cheese kitkat??!!!! waaaahh!!! wawa!!! u better save me some.. wouldn't know where on earth to get some.. hehe.. haf fun blogging... hope u last longer than 3 days...

At March 20, 2006 5:47 PM, Blogger lazydaze said...

kmen : got.. got.. but u better come collect it before my tongue takes over my brain~


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