Friday, March 24, 2006

Thank You....

jase, erin, justin, zaffrie, hsuan, tc, weng, soon, kend, rachel, elaine, marilyn, chelle, and the rest of you laggards for your calls, smses and msgs of concern... really appreciate it all... even those requesting my car plate number... lol~

Yesterday as I was headed out to catch a cab for class, my mum told me...

*lightning strike, thunder boom*

... Wanda was baaaack!!!

ACK!! That means I have to drive again =( Should I just catch a cab instead anyway..?? Well with great determination to control my logic vs. emotions, I went back on the road... as timid as a mouse. "You wanna cut in front of me? Sure!! What's that? You wanna steal my parking spot too? Go right ahead =)"

When my mum saw my plastered hand, she told me "Just thank God that it wasn't your face". As miang as it may sound... I really am extremely grateful that my face was spared from any harm from the flying glass, and I am definitely thankful that nothing worse happened. Trust me, I've said my prayers.


You know, in my world I believe that food is the soul to all life. Not because it keeps you alive, but because it keeps your soul alive. I love having meals with close friends where we do not only eat.... we bond.

Yesterday Jase and I had our weekly lunch session at BK Hartamas. We talked.. and talked.. and talked.. and actually spent close to 5 hours just sitting there with a refillable drink~ These kind of heart-to-heart sessions are really good medication... Try it =)


At March 25, 2006 9:59 AM, Blogger ~Typical IT Guy~ said...

Aiyah...forgot to ask you for your plate number! Wonder whether its too late to buy 4D or not...

At March 25, 2006 4:19 PM, Blogger lazydaze said...

I'll buy for you.. just hand me the money.... *evil glint*

At March 25, 2006 10:23 PM, Blogger Jasemaine said...



Ducko wacko.. anything for you..


At March 27, 2006 2:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wanda, the car? And you're the Girl-Who-Was-Almost-Wanda?

Are you related to something with 4-wheels and runs on gasoline? Wawa - 2 webbed feet, runs on cheesecake, with permissible dose of emissions.

At March 27, 2006 10:26 PM, Blogger lazydaze said...

chic : aNYTHINg...?? *double evil glint*

a very lame guy who is obviously Weng : #1 YOU gave me that GWWAW nick! #2 did you have to tell that to the whole world, Wewe? :P

At March 28, 2006 9:26 AM, Blogger Jasemaine said...

Uhhhh... yeahh... anything...

On second thoughts... hmmm.....

At March 28, 2006 5:53 PM, Blogger Kwok Weng said...

Okay so I'll stop calling you GWWAW. Oh, I just did, didn't I? Relax, the world will find it easier to remember Wawa instead of GWWAW. Damn, there I go again. Somebody stop me! Haha...

On another note, I just found out I actually have a Blogger account from god-knows when.

At March 29, 2006 1:20 AM, Blogger lazydaze said...

chic : are u gonna put that in our "Talk Only Lah" book? tsk..

weng : are we talking on my blog now since we hardly see each other? your blogger account was since feb 06. sheesh. if you want to switch over to Blogger, just admit it la.. hint hint so much.. =P


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