Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Sperm Cars

You know how there are long lines at the *newly raised price i have to pay RM3.20 everyday damnit* tolls

And after that the cars are released into a bare space before they reach the normal lanes?

Always reminds me of sperm being released la.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Yesterday . . .

The first thing I saw before turning into my office compound was a terrible accident.

I later heard that the driver died.



I covered the Akon DiGi basketball game.

He gave me one of his balls.

I think I'm starting to like him =P


I covered a L'Oreal event.

The male models were definitely not cold.

And I found myself in front of the camera too!


My first Campus Plus issue came out.

Then I saw myc's latest issue.


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Today . . .

I go back to a house that I have to make a home.

And I hope that that home will stay a home.

You know, one with family members . . .

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Need I say more?

Monday, January 01, 2007

Will he go?

He decided to leave yesterday.

The confrontation finally happened, and it was her fault again. I was excited about moving in, starting anew. But if that is going to cost me a father, then maybe I'd rather continue living in uncertainty.

I guess this is it.


For the first time this year, Christmas was spent without any of them by my side.

In fact, he was my only "family".

Luckily, Ben was down in Malaysia this Christmas. It was probably only because of him that I at least saw bro and sis.

I miss him. Wonder what will happen this year when he's not around...