Thursday, March 30, 2006

Dear You....

Is it so hard to tell someone how you feel?

Why do you have to keep beating round the bush? Covering up with lame jokes and changes of topic?

Telling me that everything's alright when in fact it is not?

If you want to say something... just say it.

I may not be able to accept what you are going to say.

But if you respected me enough, you would tell me anyway.

I'm not going to wait around forever to hear you say it. I have other people to listen to as well.

It upsets me... that you don't trust me enough to let me know......


At March 30, 2006 1:47 PM, Blogger Jasemaine said...

Some people have problem voicing out their feelings.. give them some time la, I'm sure they will express it when they are ready. They should know who you are to them.

Pok pok

At March 30, 2006 11:57 PM, Blogger lazydaze said...

She speaks from experience ;)

Thanks chiko. I hope you know who you are to me =)


At March 31, 2006 9:49 AM, Blogger Jasemaine said...

I'm a lame chick who always shouts 'hungry!' 'sleepy!' to you?

pooKk pok.

At March 31, 2006 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

suddenly both of u already become animals already ar? heheeh

miss u guys

At March 31, 2006 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

o my dearest god!!! wawa...!!! i seriously had no idea about the accident man... i feel like a shit friend... it's like how, what, when, why, huh? thank the sweetest heavens it wasn't like a major thing... must meet up soon... need to hear the whole story from u... does juju know about it??? nehow.. if it's any consolation i had a lousy time in thailand... didn't get any shopping done... had mummy's $$$ to spend but nothing to spend it on... lolz... so next outing call me ya! about this entry... hmmm.. i'm hoping tat the person ain't who i think it is...

At April 01, 2006 1:53 PM, Blogger lazydaze said...

*smacks chic with beancurd*

darren: birds, to be exact.. guess what erin is.. hehe

chic: time to put some feathers on darren, eh? i'm thinking cuckoo :P

kmen sweetie: you're like the furthest thing from a shit friend ok.. you're here and shit friend is on the planet in the galaxy after the next universe in the realm after death...

neway i'm still in one piece, no worries.. thanks for being here for me =) n how in the world can you not have anything to buy in thailand??? go for plastic surgery la :P

Hmm.. i don't think it's the person who u think it is, but it's the person whom u may think i think it is but u don't think it is.. *grin*

Will def see you soon with updates, gobbles~ *hugs*


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