Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A year ago....

I was lost.
sesat was appropriately nicknamed to me.

I was going to enroll in the almighty LimKokWing, with their charming own-town campus~
And was deciding between taking a BB (Hons) Entrepreneurship or a BA (Hons) Tourism Management =.=
I still clearly remember our mini road trips down there with JJ spinning in the car =)

Jase and I hung out...


And Juju joined in quite some.

He was lost too.

OKLA eRin. Since I have some pics of you as well, you must have joined us *cough* once in awhile =P

: innocent bunny :

: miang bunny :
they made me do this, i swear!! O_o

I convinced Juju to look into a career as a Japanese chef.
Which led to him working in Sakae (sar-kar-ayiieeee) Sushi.

I myself started working at Paddingtons.
And so did Erin.

I harbored dreams to open my own café.

Hence, I went on a quest to try out every café in the Klang Valley.
I think we became broke before we managed to finish =(

I was playing cupid for a certain chic (remember the wongkok revelation session? ;P)
And Ms. Cupid fooled around a little herself =P

I sent many friends off.

The airport people should be greeting us personally what with the amount of times we went there.

I made some new friends.

Some proved themselves more worthy than others.


Now, one year later…

I am still lost.
I get addressed as Sesat even in real life.... and I actually respond to it.

I am in HELP doing my communication degree.
But I don’t know if I am going to graduate from it.

I still hang out with Jase.

But things have changed since the many 'new additions' =)

I hadn’t committed myself to any part-time jobs since Paddingtons because the need wasn't there.
But now the need is back.

My café dreams seems to have drifted off to Neverland.
I guess reality set in somewhere in between.

I realized that my heart was a one-man heart.
Erin and Yves can say We Told You So.
Hmm, actually they already did. Fail la you, wawa.

When I stopped fooling around and opened up once again, an angel came into my life at the exact time he was due.

A dear friend came home and rejoined a modified family that was established in the one year.

JACK was reunited... or at least some of us were =.=

I thought things were finally picking up again this year.
But the person I depended on the most has let me down severely.


I am not giving up just yet. Financial assistance / scholarship interview tomorrow... wish me well. And hope. And luck. And a little prayer has never harmed anyone as well *blink blink*

Thursday, September 21, 2006

: for an old friend :

I met him about a year ago, and we have been through phases in our friendship that I have to say, I have never been through with anyone else before. The difference?

We’ve never met.

We keep in touch online and through occasional SMSes and phone calls, and he has unexpectedly become someone whom I greatly, albeit strangely, trust and feel comfortable with.

I still clearly remember asking him late last year, Do you consider me to be a new friend or an old friend? He laughed and replied, A new friend, of course! I would only call you an old friend if I’ve known you for at least a year!

Yeah, he is an old friend now. And today, his mother is going for a second surgery for breast cancer. Test results from this surgery will let him and his family know how far the cancer cells have spread. Optimistically, they have not spread far.

I have had the worry of breast cancer since I first heard about it when I was just reaching puberty. Although I admit I do not possess utmost knowledge about this condition, I have read about and seen sufficient articles and images to list it down as one of my prevailing fears.

I remember reading up on prevention methods many years ago, and there was a time when I would do a regular self-body check after every menstrual cycle. I stopped, negligently, after awhile. But when something like this happens, I am reminded of how real the threat is to every woman (and man!).

Friends, it would be of great help if you could say a prayer for my friend’s mother. She may be addressed as Aunty Soo.

To my old friend, stay strong. I will be praying for you as well….

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I looked up at his face, and it was the kindest face that has ever looked back at me in all my life.

That vision will stay with me forever.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

darn my cryptic self

I read a couple of my old posts, and I myself can't decipher some of the stuff I wrote =.='

...lab report... final exams... applications... stress... pringles... chocolates...