Thursday, March 30, 2006

Dear You....

Is it so hard to tell someone how you feel?

Why do you have to keep beating round the bush? Covering up with lame jokes and changes of topic?

Telling me that everything's alright when in fact it is not?

If you want to say something... just say it.

I may not be able to accept what you are going to say.

But if you respected me enough, you would tell me anyway.

I'm not going to wait around forever to hear you say it. I have other people to listen to as well.

It upsets me... that you don't trust me enough to let me know......

Friday, March 24, 2006

Thank You....

jase, erin, justin, zaffrie, hsuan, tc, weng, soon, kend, rachel, elaine, marilyn, chelle, and the rest of you laggards for your calls, smses and msgs of concern... really appreciate it all... even those requesting my car plate number... lol~

Yesterday as I was headed out to catch a cab for class, my mum told me...

*lightning strike, thunder boom*

... Wanda was baaaack!!!

ACK!! That means I have to drive again =( Should I just catch a cab instead anyway..?? Well with great determination to control my logic vs. emotions, I went back on the road... as timid as a mouse. "You wanna cut in front of me? Sure!! What's that? You wanna steal my parking spot too? Go right ahead =)"

When my mum saw my plastered hand, she told me "Just thank God that it wasn't your face". As miang as it may sound... I really am extremely grateful that my face was spared from any harm from the flying glass, and I am definitely thankful that nothing worse happened. Trust me, I've said my prayers.


You know, in my world I believe that food is the soul to all life. Not because it keeps you alive, but because it keeps your soul alive. I love having meals with close friends where we do not only eat.... we bond.

Yesterday Jase and I had our weekly lunch session at BK Hartamas. We talked.. and talked.. and talked.. and actually spent close to 5 hours just sitting there with a refillable drink~ These kind of heart-to-heart sessions are really good medication... Try it =)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Dreams DO come true...


Nope, this ain't one of those self-motivational entries that inspire and encourage people to go for their dreams because if you work hard enough, it will come true. Yes, yes i do believe in that, but today isn't the day for that.

I was involved in a car accident this morning on the way to college. For those of you who know where i live, please don't take the U-turn right outside my condo anymore. It is seriously a turning just waiting for accidents to happen. Marilyn encountered one while fetching me bout 2 months ago, and now it's my turn =(

A motorcycle rammed into my passenger door, shattering my window and denting my whole car door. He even managed to dent the back of my car, which baffles me.. how in the world did he manage to hit me in the front AND back but not the middle?? What more, his motorcycle only had a few scratches and a broken number plate. What kind of a mean lean machine was he riding???

The accident gave me flashes of a scene from One Tree Hill, where Lucas and Keith were hit on the passenger side by a truck. Thank God this was only a motorcycle! I'm also extremely grateful that i wasn't carrying a passenger, as the impact and the glass would have hurt that person badly. Anyway, i have a few minor cuts on my hands from the glass, but other than that i'm physically well. If you want to talk about my mental and emotional state, that's a whole different story........

Today I learnt about the few types of people you meet in accidents.
1. The salesman in disguise - One of the first people to approach you, he will befriend you by pretending to be caring and helpful. After you reject his offer to "help" you fix your car at his workshop, he walks away muttering "ah moi, you sendiri settle la"

2. The 8's (pat pohs) - They will poke their head in and ask everything from who, what, when, where, why, and how, and when they get their answers, they silently slip away without even offering condolences.

3. The sincere guys with nothing better to do on a bright sunny day - These 2 guys helped me to open my stuck car door, clean off some glass, straighten the metal by the broken window, adviced me not to touch the glass, told me where i could find workshops, and even stayed and chatted with me under the scorching sun until my dad came. They managed to make me laugh and lightened my mood =) When my dad arrived, they even told him that it wasn't my fault, and helped him check out the motorcycle. When things settled down, they simply told me that they should go, and said their goodbyes.

Anyway back to the title of this entry... something weird about this whole experience was that a few weeks before this, I was actually carrying around a really bad feeling of an accident waiting to happen. Whenever i was on the road and a car came a little too close to me, my heart would start pounding wildly. And the freakiest thing is that just this morning, I actually dreamt that I had an accident. Just before i woke up. (ya ya.. go out and start buying those 4D numbers now..)

In the dream, Justin drove a bright pink sports car with cartoons painted on it into my ROOM. Soon enough, Jase, CK and I were in the car, and i was driving the auto car for the first time (my car irl is manual). Because I wasn't sure how to drive an auto car, I rammed into someone's car and quickly ran off :P When i woke up, i was so frustrated, but calmed myself down by saying "it was only a dream...."

Yes, dreams do become a reality. *sob*

Saturday, March 18, 2006

*Drags head into*

Okay okay I'll start my blog already! Aih... been getting bugged.. err i mean motivated by a certain Chicken to start posting my life online for everyone in the globe to read. Well.. this is also a challenge to prove to TC that I am capable of keeping my blog for a longer time than he can! (which is only 3 measly days anyway..)
So..... err.. what am I supposed to do with a blog? *scratches head* Let's see what i have in my donkey hat.. *pulls out wabbit* whoops...
LEMON CHEESECAKE KIT KAT!!! *slurp* Whoever says this doesn't taste good deserves a good knocking on the head. *watches TC run away in fear* I say Kit Kat should make it a permanent product on the supermarket shelves for the goodness of all mankind. Aye? If any of you haven't tried it... GO FAST FAST!! Limited Edition la.. only available until April.. Unfortunately, the kind people at Kit Kat like to play treasure hunting, so you have to go dig around petrol stations and those smaller marts to find it.. EH stop pushing, don't fight with me.. :/
I wonder if the Dark Chocolate and Orange flavoured ones are still available?