Friday, April 28, 2006

Birthday in the clouds

April 21 - 11.30pm
After watching the long-awaited Gubra (which Sepet beats hands down), we met up with the rest for a Kajang Satay countdown. The rabbit satay was gone in a flash.Oh well at least I won't feel guilty for consuming little bunnies unlike the other 5 culprits =P

10.. 9.. 8.. *sighs*.. 7.. 6.. 5.. *prays for a miracle*.. 4.. 3.. 2.. *bids goodbye to youth* 1..

Guess what.. the midnight news only came on like 5 minutes after that.. What the... I was robbed of 5 minutes of being 21!!

April 22 - 8.30am

Thank you, Lord, for being alive and well =)
Woke up to breakfast and mini banana-chocolate cake on the dining table. My dad's turn to return my present to him, perhaps?

Received a birthday card along with a little octopus from Hsuan in the mail. So sweet.. I haven't received snail mail in ages! Aih.. emails will never have the same personal touch to it.

Breakfast II at Wong Kok SS2 with Ter Chien. He was so hungry, he finished 3/4 of my thick toast in one mouthful =P

Went for MC100 final exam. Yes. Exam.

Started trip to Genting with TC. The plan was to go up for dinner, watch Jase perform for ai FM's birthday bash at the Arena of Stars and come back down after midnight.
The sky on the drive there was beautiful, to say the least. Beautiful blue sky and beautiful clouds... Everyone who has been to my pool parties for the past 2 years would know my grudge against Mother Nature. It had rained on every birthday. I asked my dad last year if it was raining the day I was born. He said "No........." and laughed. Hmm...

Well, the weather this year was perfect. Naturally, the year I don't have a pool party, it doesn't rain.

On the way up, Erin called to tell me that something came up and that she would only make it in time for Jase's performance. Typical Erin, I thought.

Feeling dazed from the winding trip up, TC brought me to take a breath of fresh air while viewing the scenery. As soon as I got out of the car, the cold wind hit me in the face. Ahhh heaven~
He presented me with a bouquet of flowers. Do you know how much I love fresh flowers??

After some immense confusion that TC throttled me with, I was feeling abit fidgety. He stopped by the side of the road and stoned there for awhile. As I poked him and annoyed him about what he was up to, Liz called to wish me Happy Birthday and we had a quick catch-up session. The next thing I knew, I was locked in TC's car all alone in a parking lot. *jeng jeng jeng*

He soon came back to let me out after hearing me suffocating inside. I realized that we were at Ria Apartments. After washing my dizziness away in the washroom, he led me into the lift.... 14th floor.... At this time, I was feeling really really nervous and jumpy. What is he up to la?

I walked into the room....

The first thing I saw was the living room.

On the table was a cake, a bottle of wine, pictures of me, and some boxes. The table was surrounded by sunflowers and roses. The whole place was quiet and dim.

I was stunned for awhile, as it was so picturesque. Sunflowers have been my favourite type of flower since I was a kid, but I've never had a real one before.

As I walked towards the table, I looked to my right, where the door was open to one of the rooms. I saw a long leg dangling over the side of the bed, and slowly inching inside. I smiled to myself and walked towards it. "Is someone gonna jump out at me?", I called out.

No answers.

Just before I stepped into the room, Erin, Zaffri, Carmen and Justin pounced out.


All this was for me..??

I was really touched la.

The first person I noticed was Erin, because she had just called me to tell me that she would be LATE.

After revealing some shocking stories relating to the surprise (like how Erin actually called my dad =.=), the song was sang, wishes made and candles blown.... what else was there to do but.......


Ok la, actually it's more like everyone fighting with me so as to not let me get cake on their face =P

Everyone grabbed me at the same part on my wrists... painful la =(

All got their fair share of cake faces, except for Boon Yee who defended himself with kung-fu chicken moves and Jase, who couldn't be there for the surprise because she had to go for soundcheck.

Thinking back now, I realize all the LIES, scheming and conspiracies towards me weeks prior to this... SO sweet laaa..... hehe...

Some of their famous lines?

Jase: I'll be too busy with my performance tonight. Probably won't see you at all today. But happy birthday la. (weeks before this, she was annoying me like mad by taunting me about what she had planned for my birthday)

Carmen: We're meeting on Sat? Oh yeah. For Jase's peformance.

Justin: (he simply stayed away from me for about a week.. didn't even talk to me online =/)

TC (when I asked if we were staying overnight): Huh? Stay overnight? If you want, then I have to go book a room now...
TC: I think I have a bottle of water in the car. I went shopping with my mum last week and she told me to always keep a bottle in the car. (the water was actually for the overnight stay)
TC (on the phone with one of them): So we're meeting at Coffee Bean?

Erin has got to be the worst of them all.

Erin: It's only your 22nd birthday. Let's get it over and done with.
Erin: Do we HAVE to go to Genting???
Erin: I have RM10 to spend on you. What do you want??

In the beginning I didn't listen to anything she said. It's Erin after all. But my soul can only take so much, and pretty soon it was distraught from all her taunting.


Headed to Arena of Stars after a quick dinner for Jase's performance. When she came on, we went to the front and screamed our head off while waving frantically. She totally ignored us. Hrmph. Well, later we found out that she couldn't even see a thing due to the strong lights. Okla, forgiven.

It was cool seeing her on stage in front of such a huge crowd. You can tell she's gonna make it big =) We actually planned to give her a rose, but after seeing other performers getting huge bouquets, shy la to give her a pathetic single stalk =/

April 23 - 12.30am

Back at the apartment, we camwhored, threw Cheezels around and played cards with kuaci.

Everyone was exhausted, and went to bed soon after.


I was the first to wake up. Unbelievable but true. Well, that was before I found out that TC actually woke up at 7am and took a walk before coming back to sleep. He was selfish enough to not wake me up to share this beautiful scenery... aiyer...

Well, what else could we have for breakfast except birthday cake?? Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Recipe. Erin has fantastic taste =D The cake must be from the North Pole, because it kept melting the moment it was taken out from the fridge. The whole top layer melted sideways, creating a leaning cake, and the chocolate cream came out from all sides.

Look at the way Zaffri's eating it!


It was an amazing birthday =) Many thanks are due.

Jase, Boon Yee, Erin, Zaffri, TC, Kmen n Juju...

THANK YOU guys so much for making my 22nd such a wonderful memory for me.

Thank you for the flowers, the cards, the presents, the food, the night's stay...

And most importantly, thank you for being such a huge part of my life =)

I can only wish the best for all of you.

Also thank you everyone else for your cards, gifts, calls, SMSes, emails, friendster messages and online wishes. Really appreciate every single one of them~



Had dinner with my family at Shogun japanese buffet in 1u. I was already stuffed from the Secret Recipe meal we had when we came down =(

It is scary having buffet meals with my family. Really. Why? Because you never know what you're going to get "poisoned" with. Hehe. We add extra 'ingredients' and 'flavoring' to spice up each other's dish when the person has gone to take more food. Everyone checks their food suspiciously, and there was even one buffet where we were all reluctant to leave the table to get more food.

This round, my bro got mango juice and green tea added to his soup, I got wasabi in my ice cream =/ My bro even tried the direct method this time - he reached over the table to "serve" my dad sushi, but instead threw it into his green tea. I swear, I burst out laughing so hard, the salmon in my stomach turned in its grave.

My dad said it looked like a toyol!! Nonetheless, he actually took it out and ate it in pride. "My son serve me, sure I eat..." LOLZ!!


There were many signs that this will be a good year for me.
22 is, after all, my number =)
These days, the sky has been beautiful in the evenings.
Everytime I look up into the sky at sunset, I'm reminded of why we're all here in the first place.

To live.


At April 28, 2006 11:32 AM, Blogger Jasemaine said...

I don't know what else to say but.. 'Ahhhhhhhh' *sighing manner* and 'awwwwwww'.

Life eh?


Glad it was a good birthday. :)

At April 28, 2006 1:42 PM, Blogger ~Typical IT Guy~ said...

*Sigh*, It looks like I've been victimized by some evil editing and misinterpretation.

Wow, super long post! Guess it was worth waiting the whole week for it then.. =)

Glad you enjoyed the birthday celebration :)

At April 28, 2006 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was sure a great bday wan lee..

happy belated...=)

make me miss home even more...your post are great emo lar..

At April 28, 2006 10:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss wawa chan aka the duck...

hehehe... it's been ages since i visited ur blog... but here i am again... after reading 'bday in the clouds' i just realised that *hides face* i still haven't uploaded juju's pix... but i promise i'll get to it soon... but how soon, dunno lar...

really happy that it didn't rain and u were surprised enough... hehe... can't believe u really noticed all the little schemes we were up to... but at least u didn't realise until after the surprise...

so... happy 22nd.. and may this be the year that bring forth happiness beyond your imagination...!

At April 29, 2006 2:28 AM, Blogger lazydaze said...

jase: altogether now... awwwwwww

tc: victimized? evil editing? misinterpretation? tsk. who would do such a thing to you =/

wahhh you waited for a whole week? hehe. i feel so wanted =P

darren: aww.. come home.. we all miss you too~ wait, NO don't come home.. go get yourself a job there! gambatte!!

kmen: sometimes it sux to be blur =( Thank you for the postcards.. they are really REALLY nice... And btw.. PICSSSS!!! =P

At May 02, 2006 6:25 PM, Blogger Story by pictures, music by life.... said...

So much food........Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! So hung fook ler!


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