Monday, June 05, 2006

Random thoughts 29.5-4.6

Maybe it was my own mistake. But I don't think it was even a mistake. Learning to adapt to this feeling will be tough. But I know that if I really want to change, it will definitely hurt during times like these. I did ponder about something that I shouldn't even be considering. I shouldn't consider it because I trust you. Right....?

Bad luck is like Pringles. Not only are they stacked up all nice and neat one after the other, they are also almost impossible to get rid of. Been having so many worries on my mind, I wish I could just run away. This is reality swinging its hardest hit.

I look at their situations and who they are now, and I know for sure that I made the right decision. This has taught me to stop being afraid of the 'what if it did' and start looking at the 'what if it didn't'. This is what I could have missed, and I may have never known.

Is it easier to be happy by making someone else happy? If you had to choose between making yourself happy but upsetting your loved one, or making your loved one happy but upsetting yourself, which would you choose?

Everything has consequences. What you do right now may be a direct consequence of what happens to you the very next minute, or something that happens to you 22 years down the road. But what made you make the decision that you did? Why did things happen in the sequence that they did? I've always believed in fate. It leaves you with no choice. I believe that's the way God maps out your life path. Perhaps He knew that if He just dropped the map in front of you, you'd just lose your way anyway.

It's amazing how much my whole perception of someone can change in just one split second. What I heard and saw today scared me somewhat. But then you hold me, and I instead feel safe and secure because I am in the arms of someone just like you.

I love evenings.


At June 05, 2006 6:36 PM, Blogger signing as said...

passion and creativity go hand in hand. I see a little of me in your blog, when I was younger. whatever decisions you make, accept them, and whatever they bring might be good for you. A blessing

At June 05, 2006 7:11 PM, Blogger Jasemaine said...

Mm, your week ended well.

More good things will come your way~

At June 05, 2006 11:43 PM, Blogger ~Typical IT Guy~ said...

Wah, somebody's blog has an international following...=P

Even though bad luck my seem like 'A Can Of Pringles', the silver lining is it will eventually run out, followed by a much larger giant sized can of Pringles symbolizing the upcoming good luck..
(Ahem, pardon the lameness :D)

IMHO, there is no point in being afraid of "what if it did" or even "what if it didn't". Life is too short to live with regrets hence Treasure the Past, Live for the Moment and Plan for the Future!
Although I may be guilty of being unable to practise what I preach here...hmm...

Thats an easy one, making a loved one happy will definitely help to forget your own troubles and be happy as well..At least its worked for me so far.. =D

I'm starting to believe in fate too, God works in mysterious ways and He's been treating me so well...


I prefer mornings ;D with the crisp morning air, seeing the sun rise higher and higher over the horizon and the birds singing the same happy tune without a care in the world..

At June 19, 2006 9:55 PM, Blogger kioffi said...

miss JACK group.. wonder when will we hang out again...

jaja also duno how liao.. erin ley?


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